Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Romeo And Juliet Juxtaposition Essay - 921 Words

Last Spring when I performed in one of William Shakespeares classics A Midsummer Nights Dream, Shakespeare felt to me like a mystery of words jumbled up together in a beautiful poem. In ‘Romeo and Juliet’ I learned the true meaning of Shakespeares genius writing. A technique of writing William Shakespeare often uses in his plays like ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is juxtaposition. This technique puts two unlike things next to each other. Shakespeare uses juxtaposition to show the irony, drama, and the different views between characters to give his storys depth. In ‘Romeo and Juliet† Shakespeare uses juxtaposition to show the opinions of two compatible characters. In the first act, Capulet discusses with Paris a business deal to marry off his†¦show more content†¦By my count, I was your mother much upon these years That you are now a maid. Thus then in brief: The valiant Paris seeks you for his love† (1.3.68-74). In this quote, Lady Capulet st ates that she wants Juliet to marry Paris now. For when she was her age she was already a mother and married. She continues to pressure Juliet by stating that all the girls in Verona are already bearing children. Lady Capulet sees that now is the perfect opportunity for Juliet to be wed. For out of all the girls in Verona, Paris chooses her to be his wife. Lady Capulets opinion contradicts with Capulets decision on Juliet’s future, thus making these two scenes and sentences into a juxtaposition. Shakespeare uses this tactic to inform the reader of the different viewpoints, irony, and drama Juliet will be forced to face her parents and Paris. Shakespeare also uses juxtaposition to create suspension and dramatic irony between two different situations to bring entertainment to the audience. After Juliet and Friar discuss the plan for Juliet to fake kill herself, she lies to her father that she will marry Paris. Capulet becomes very excited over the wedding and starts planning ri ght away that very night. Ill not to bed tonight; let me alone. Ill play housewife for this once. What, ho! They are all forth; well, I will walk myself To County Paris, to prepare up him Against tomorrow. My heart is wondrous light, Since this same wayward girl is so reclaimedShow MoreRelatedScene Analysis of Baz Lurhmanns Romeo and Juliet Essay1297 Words   |  6 PagesScene Analysis of Baz Lurhmanns Romeo and Juliet Set in fair Verona, Shakespeares most famous, magical, heart-rending and tragic love- affair, Romeo and Juliet, has been cleverly transformed using a modern-day, urban backdrop to portray Baz Lurhmanns eccentric and exciting adaptation of Shakespeares infinite phenomenon that is, Romeo and Juliet. 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